Joseph was not just the earthly father of Jesus. He was an incredible example of humility. His care for Mary, obedience to God, and embrace of Jesus show us what love looks like. Jesus, though, is the ultimate embodiment of humility and love in his journey to the cross for our protection. And he is the rightful king that neither Joseph, nor any of us, could ever be.
Zerubbabel was the leader of the first group of Israelites to return from exile. He led the people to rebuild the temple in the midst of persecution and enemies. But this temple, and Zerubbabel himself were actually signs pointing forward toward something greater. Jesus would lead the ultimate return from exile and rebuild the temple in his death and resurrection.
Solomon was the son of David who presided as king over a time of great peace and prosperity in Israel. Though he was famous for his wisdom and discernment, pride and power got the best of him and led to total corruption. What about God's promise for a son of David to sit on the throne forever? His ultimate answer is Jesus, the better Solomon. His kingdom is forever and brings the true peace and justice that we long for.
Though an unexpected choice, David was empowered by the Spirit and killed the giant. God promised him an eternal throne and reign of peace and prosperity. David's story is not just triumph though, its equal parts prideful tragedy. For their to be an eternal reign of peace, Israel would need a new David. Jesus is the ultimate David who killed the ultimate giant and brings peace once and for all.
Ruth and Boaz
The story of Ruth and Boaz is a story of unexpected kindness. Kindness that lays down one's life for another to protect and preserve them. In all, this kindness finds its source in God himself who is providentially meeting his people. And Jesus is the ultimate Boaz who not only lays down his life for us, but marries us into the family of God.
As two spies blow their cover, they are surprisingly protected by a Canaanite woman named Rahab. Why? Because she had experienced a transformation and her faith was now in the God of Israel. As a result, her house would be marked by God and she wold be preserved. Rahab appears in the genealogy of Jesus because he is the ultimate fulfillment of this story. We find refuge in Jesus and are marked by God and welcomed into this family.
Judah and Tamar
Why include such a horrible story in the genealogy of Jesus? Matthew does so to remind us of the destructive power of sin and the redemptive power of grace. Grace is greater than sin. And he shows that Jesus came right into the mess of this world in order to rescue it.
Isaac arrived as an unexpected joy to his parents and the world. But at the climax of his story, in faith he willingly laid down his life. God supernaturally intervened to provide a sacrifice. Isaac story foretells the story of Jesus - an unexpected to joy to his parents and the world who willingly laid down his life and was supernaturally raised from the dead. Jesus is the ultimate Isaac.
God gave Abraham an outrageous call. He was to leave home for a foreign land where he would become a great nation to bless the world. Abraham's faithful response is amazing, but it is also faulty. But ultimately Jesus would fulfill this great call and covenant to launch a family that blesses the world. And we get to be part of it!